This supposes CONgress (and the SCOTUS) is actually a Constitutionally functioning Government Branch of this nation’s Check and Balances system v. the Corporate Fascist Yes Men of a RICO Occupation of Government that they’ve made of themselves, after pimping-out democracy to the Highest Bidders, at the expense Spenser of the nation itself.
All the Responsibility to The Public Trust that “War Hawks” (at this point is nearly 100% of Congress) will assume is that of invoking Tricky-Dick’s Gulf of Tonkin precedent, so they can shuffle-off back to their ACTUAL “jobs” of Exploiting the Power of Public Office for Personal Gains and Insider Trading, in reward for covering up the U.S.’ illegal investment of 1000 Military Bases of Global Terrorism in Corporate Fascist, MassMurder-MassDestruction ResourceRape-RegimeChange, Crimes Against Humanity.
UNTIL Humanity is willing to Defend its very existence by prosecuting the lot of them, FROM THE TOP DOWN, DCs “divine WEALTH $$upremacy, exceptionalism” CRIMINAL DEPRAVITY izz the dystopian destiny of ALL Humankind.
This supposes CONgress (and the SCOTUS) is actually a Constitutionally functioning Government Branch of this nation’s Check and Balances system v. the Corporate Fascist Yes Men of a RICO Occupation of Government that they’ve made of themselves, after pimping-out democracy to the Highest Bidders, at the expense Spenser of the nation itself.
All the Responsibility to The Public Trust that “War Hawks” (at this point is nearly 100% of Congress) will assume is that of invoking Tricky-Dick’s Gulf of Tonkin precedent, so they can shuffle-off back to their ACTUAL “jobs” of Exploiting the Power of Public Office for Personal Gains and Insider Trading, in reward for covering up the U.S.’ illegal investment of 1000 Military Bases of Global Terrorism in Corporate Fascist, MassMurder-MassDestruction ResourceRape-RegimeChange, Crimes Against Humanity.
UNTIL Humanity is willing to Defend its very existence by prosecuting the lot of them, FROM THE TOP DOWN, DCs “divine WEALTH $$upremacy, exceptionalism” CRIMINAL DEPRAVITY izz the dystopian destiny of ALL Humankind.